Everyone has heard of China's most famous cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong), but few could name even one inland province. Hudson Taylor founded the China Inland Mission in the 1800s for precisely this reason, because so few ventured into the heart of the Middle Kingdom.
Our goal is to promote prayer from every US state for every Chinese province (and county). Click on your state below to see which Chinese province to adopt in prayer, and for more info on how to begin praying!
Click on your state to discover your 'adopted' Chinese province!
Provincial Prayer Profiles provided by our good friends at Asia Harvest
Become a Prayer Partner
Please let us know that you plan to pray for your adopted province. Also, we need volunteers from each state to help us match up every US county with every Chinese county. No counties left behind!
With nearly two decades of experience in the Middle Kingdom, Missionary Ben tackles China’s toughest questions, while telling countless stories and challenging Christians not to fear or despair of China’s rise, but rather to pray and intercede for its repentance and reformation. Join us each week as we keep you informed on current events, evangelism efforts, and the ongoing persecution of Christians in China.